Disorder-induced orbital ordering inL0.7M0.3MnO3perovskites

A series of eight AMnO3 perovskites in which the A-cation sites are occupied by a distribution of 70% trivalent lanthanide and 30% divalent Ca, Sr, or Ba ions has been prepared. These all have a mean A-cation radius of 1.20 Å, but different values of the size variance σ2. All of the samples show resistive and magnetic transitions from a ferromagnetic metallic to a paramagnetic insulating phase. An abrupt change from orbital disorder to order (cooperative Jahn–Teller distortions) in the insulating regime at σ20.005Å2 is evidenced by anomalies in the unit cell parameters and conductivity and magnetization data. The dependence of the metal-insulator transition temperature upon A-cation distribution in these and other 30% doped compositions are compared against a simple model and displayed in a general phase diagram.