Study of the substructure of the Morgagni and Brunescens cataract with the TAO non-coating technique

Lens tissue from a Morgagni cataract was examined by SEM and TEM. For SEM, after prefixation with glutaraldehyde and postfixation with the tannic acid/arginine/OsO4 non-coating (TAO) technique, and for TEM, after prefixation with glutaraldehyde, postfixation with OsO4/K4Fe(CN)6 and poststaining with uranyl acetate/lead citrate. The TAO technique seems to be a particularly suitable postfixation method for the SEM investigation of cararact tissue because of the presence of the protein structures present. The cortical region showed areas of radially, instead of concentrically, arranged lens fibres, degenerated lens fibres with holes (vacuoles), broken ball and socket connections between the lens fibres, and oval or spherical structures varying in size from 0.5–20 μm, the largest resembling a golfball, arising from the cytoplasm of degenerating lens fibres. The smallest, 0.2–0.5 μm, appear to have been expelled from the furrowed lens epithelium.