EuTe. I. Magnetic Behavior of Insulating and Conducting Single Crystals

The magnetic properties of both insulating and conducting single crystals of EuTe were measured at temperatures 0.4T273 K in magnetic fields 0H<150 kOe. The insulating EuTe showed the behavior expected for an Heisenberg antiferromagnet and is believed to be representative of pure EuTe. For this insulating material we obtained a Néel temperature TN=(9.6±0.1) K and a saturation magnetic moment σs=(132±3)emug(6.6μBEuion). In the interval 10TN<T<28TN, the insulating material obeyed the Curie-Weiss law with a Curie-Weiss constant C=(27.8±0.3)×103 (emu K/g Oe), and a paramagnetic Curie temperature θ=(1±2) K. Below TN, the differential susceptibility dσdH in the insulating sample showed the following features: (i) At low fields, dσdH first increased with H, then passed through a broad maximum near 1 kOe, and finally assumed the constant value χ=1.6×103 emu/g Oe. This low-field behavior corresponds to the rotation of spins in the {111} planes (analogous to spin flopping). (ii) At higher fields, in the canted phase, dσdH increased with H. (iii) The canted-to-paramagnetic transition was marked by a λ peak in dσdH. (iv) The transition field Hc(T) was linear with T32 in the interval 2T4.2 K, but a small deviation from the theoretical T32 law was observed below 2 K. At T=0, Hc(0)=(72.2±1) kOe, which leads to an intersublattice exchange field HE(0)36 kOe. The values of Hc(0) and θ for the insulating material yield the nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor exchange constants J1k=+(0.10±0.03) K and J2k=(0.215±0.03) K, respectively. The results in the conducting single crystals (which were n type) showed that the following magnetic properties were influenced by the presence of the charge carriers: (a) At T2TN, the zero-field differential susceptibility in the conducting samples was an order of magnitude larger than in the insulating sample. (b) The low-field behavior of σ at temperatures well below TN suggested the existence of a spontaneous magnetic moment at H=0. (c) The λ anomaly in dσdH, at Hc, was reduced, or disappeared entirely. (d) The saturation moment σs was slightly higher than for the insulating sample. (e) The paramagnetic Curie temperature θ was several degrees higher than for the insulating material. The presence of charge carriers had little or no effect on TN, and only a small influence on the phase boundary Hc(T). Some of the effects of the charge carriers can be explained qualitatively by de Gennes's model for the double-exchange interaction in antiferromagnets.

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