EuTe. III. Ultrasonic Behavior

Ultrasonic attenuation and velocity measurements were carried out on EuTe single crystals at 1.4T14 K and in magnetic fields up to 100 kOe. At H=0, the attenuation for shear waves with q[100] increased abruptly as the sample entered the antiferromagnetic phase at TN=(9.6±0.2) K. At T<TN the attenuation of some modes of propagation was higher in the canted phase than in the paramagnetic phase. The canted-to-paramagnetic transition was accompanied by an abrupt decrease and/or by a sharp peak in the attenuation of some modes of propagation. The canted-to-paramagnetic transition field Hc(T) was determined as a function of temperature. At 1.4T4.2 K, Hc(T) followed the theoretical T32 law. At T=0, Hc(0)74 kOe, which leads to an intersublattice exchange field HE(0)37 kOe. At liquid-helium temperatures, large changes in the ultrasonic attenuation and velocity occurred in fields of order 102 Oe. The elastic constants at 77.6 K, in cgs units, are c11=(9.36±0.4)×1011, c44=(1.63±0.07)×1011, and c12=(0.67±0.6)×1011. These lead to an adiabatic compressibility κs=(2.8±0.4)×1012 cgs units, and to a Debye temperature Θ=189 K.