Interaction of Fully Stripped, Hydrogenlike and Heliumlike C, N, O, Ne and Ar Ions with H and He Atoms and H2Molecules

Cross-sections for one-electron capture in collisions of C+Z (Z = 4-6), N+Z (Z = 5-7), O+Z (Z = 6-8) and Ne+Z (Z = 8-10) ions with atomic and molecular hydrogen, Ar+18 ions with H2 molecules and C+6, N+7, O+8, Ar+Z (Z = 3-8) ions with helium atoms have been measured in the range of relative velocities of the colliding particles v = (1-13) × 107 cm s-1. Populations of various electronic states of Ar+(Z-1) ions formed in the process of one-electron capture by Ar+Z (Z = 3-7) ions from He atoms have also been measured. In the investigated velocity range there is a good agreement between the obtained experimental values of cross-sections for one-electron capture and the available close-coupling calculations. Theoretical estimations of cross sections have been made on the basis of Landau-Zener model and they agree well with experimental data.