Two in vitro adherence assays involving isolated mucosal cells or mucosal explants were used to study the adherence of five Candida albicans strains to murine gastrointestinal mucosal surfaces. Adherence was found to be dependent on the strain used, and on the cellular arrangement, as well as the site of origin of the mucosal surface. Adherence of strains NCPF 3436 and 3310 to stomach and jejunal surfaces was affected by the pH of the medium. Binding between the C. albicans strains and stomach mucosal cells fluctuated as the pH was raised from pH 1.2 to pH 3.4. However, adherence increased with a rise in pH when the strains were incubated with stomach mucosal explants. Optimal adherence by both strains to jejunal mucosal surfaces occurred at neutral pH.