Proteolytic activity in relationship to senescence and cotyledonary development in Pisum sativum L.

Changes in the weight and in the chlorophyll, free amino-acid and protein content of developing and senescing, vegetative and reproductive organs of Pisum sativum L. (cv. Burpeeana) were measured, and the proteolytic activity in extracts from the senescing leaf and the subtended pod was followed in relation to these changes. Protein content decreased in the ageing leaf and pod while it increased in the developing cotyledon. The proteolytic activity of the leaf did not increase as the leaf protein content decreased. In contrast, proteolytic activity in the subtended pod increased while the protein level decreased. The proteolytic activity in the extracts from the ageing organs was greater than the rates of protein loss. The proteolytic activity of leaf and pod extracts was greater on protein prepared from the respective organ than on non-physiological substrates. Proteolysis was increased by 2-mercaptoethanol and ethylenediaminetetraacetate but was not influenced by addition of ATP to the reaction mixture. The pH optimum was at 5.0. Free amino acids did not accumulate in the senescing leaf or pod when protein was degraded in each organ. It is suggested that these amino acids were quickly metabolized in situ or translocated to sink areas in the plant, especially to the developing seeds.