Role of deformation in exotic decay studies

We have recently constructed a model for exotic decay studies using a cubic potential for the overlapping region that is smoothly connected by a Yukawa-plus-exponential potential for the region after separation. In this model, the zero-point vibration energy is explicitly used without violating the energy conservation and the inertial mass coefficient is made dependent on the center of mass distance, but the deformation effect has not been included. In this work, it is taken into account in both the parent and the daughter nuclei, keeping the emitted nucleus always spherical. This model is applied to the cases of C14 and Ne24 emissions and also for the recently reported cases of Ne26, Mg28,30, and Si34 emissions. It is found that the effect of the fragment deformation (which is always very small in the above decays) on lifetime is negligible while the parent deformation plays an appreciable role in the lifetime calculations.