Induction of cellular thymidine kinase occurs at the mRNA level.

The thymidine kinase (TK) gene has been isolated from human genomic DNA. The gene was passaged twice by transfection of LTK- cells with human chromosomal DNA, and genomic libraries were made in lambda Charon 30 from a second-round TK+ transformant. When the library was screened with a human Alu probe, seven overlapping lambda clones from the human TK locus were obtained. None of the seven contained a functional TK gene as judged by transfection analysis, but several combinations of clones gave rise to TK+ colonies when cotransfected into TK- cells. A functional cDNA clone encoding the human TK gene has also been isolated. Using this cDNA clone as a probe in restriction enzyme/blot hybridization analyses, we have mapped the coding sequences and direction of transcription of the gene. We have also used a single-copy subclone from within the coding region to monitor steady-state levels of TK mRNA in serum-stimulated and simian virus 40-infected simian CV1 tissue culture cells. Our results indicate that the previously reported increase in TK enzyme levels seen after either treatment is paralleled by an equivalent increase in the steady-state levels of TK mRNA. In the case of simian virus 40-infected cells, the induction was delayed by 8 to 12 h, which is the length of time after infection required for early viral protein synthesis. In both cases, induction of TK mRNA coincides with the onset of DNA synthesis, but virally infected cells ultimately accumulate more TK mRNA than do serum-stimulated cells.