New Technique: Ureterorenoscopic Urothelial Endoureteroplasty: Case Report

Traditionally, management of ureteral stricture has been with open surgical repair. The development of antegrade and retrograde balloon dilation along with ureteral stinting has introduced new options for the treatment of this disease. Results, however, have been inconsistent, with not-infrequent recurrence of stricture formation necessitating open repair or nephrectomy. Herein, we report a distal ureteral stricture following ureterolithotomy managed with retrograde ureterorenoscopic electroincision and placement of a stent bearing two free urothelial grafts into the bed of the incised stricture. Follow-up at 3 months (6 weeks after removal of the ureteral stent) reveals the ureter to be patent. The patient remains asymptomatic 8 months after the procedure.