To aid in the study of the preparation and properties at BeO, X-ray diffraction investigations were performed to determine the various phases and transformation temperatures occurring in the different BeO calcination processes and to determine the theoretical density of the final BeO product. The hydroxide, sulfate, and oxalate of beryllium were the starting materials in the three calcination series. The samples studied were prepared by heating small portions of the starting materials for 1 hr at various temperatures and slow cooling. Analysis of the hydroxide series showed a direct conversion from Be(OH)a to BeO by simple loss of water. However, both the sulfate series and the oxalate series go through a series of intermediate phases in transforming to BeO. X-ray data and structure information have been obtained for most of these phases, and temperature ranges of their occurrence have been established. Wherever possible, the X-ray results have been compared with results of stereoscopic and polarizing microscope examinations, and temperature range of occurrence have been compared with thermal balance curves.

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