Investigation of a preferentially transmitted Aegilops sharonensis chromosome in wheat

An attempt to produce a set of addition lines of Aegilops sharonensis to the wheat variety ‘Chinese Spring’ produced only one addition line. This was due to preferential transmission of one chromosome from Ae. sharonensis. This chromosome was studied in detail by established cytological methods of chromosome observation and by the newer techniques of C-banding and in situ hybridization of a cloned DNA sequence. The chromosome was found to be partially homologous to an Ae. sharonensis chromosome of similar behaviour in another wheat addition line. The incomplete homology of the two Ae. sharonensis chromosomes was due to the presence of a translocated segment of a wheat chromosome. — Substitution lines of the Ae. sharonensis chromosome for wheat homoeologous group 4 were produced and the Ae. sharonensis chromosome thereby designated 4 S l .