Efficient direct calculation method for dielectric response in semiconductors

An efficient direct method for calculating the diagonal part of the inverse dielectric matrix (IDM) εGG1(q) is presented. The method is based on a self-consistent calculation of the response to an external perturbation in the form of a potential step by means of a superlattice band-structure calculation. By restricting the degrees of freedom to the potential shifts per layer, the model is discretized and the diagonal part of the IDM for q in the direction of the superlattice is obtained by a fast Fourier transformation. The method is applied to the semiconductors Si, Ge, GaAs, and ZnSe. The calculated macroscopic dielectric constants, either limq0[1/ε001(q)] or the value obtained from a real-space determination, are found to be larger than the measured values by ∼10–30 %. The overestimate is attributed to the local-density approximation (LDA) to the exchange-correlation potential which is also well known to underestimate the energy gaps between valence and conduction bands. Adjusting the potentials so as to fit the band gaps at points Γ and X to their experimental values is found to lead to dielectric constants in good agreement with the measured values. This suggests that the band-gap underestimate may be due more to the LDA than to a discontinuity in the exchange-correlation potential.