Radiations fromSb122

The radiations from Sb122 were investigated by use of a magnetic solenoid spectrometer, a coincidence scintillation spectrometer, and a proportional counter spectrometer. Three β-groups are present with end-points 1970±5, 1400±10 740±20 kev. The highest energy β-groups exhibits an α-shape and the two lower β-groups have allowed Kurie plots. Gamma-ray investigations showed that four gamma rays of energies 566±4, 686±4, 1137±6 and 1260±6 kev could be associated with the decay of Sb122. Coincidence techniques related the 1150-kev γ-ray with the K-capture side and also showed that the 566 and 686-kev γ-rays are in cascade. The ratio of (K+L) capture relative to total β-emission was found to be 3.1 percent. The ratio of K-capture to the excited state of Sn122 and K-capture to the ground state was found to be 1:2.1. The intensities of all radiations are listed and the ft-values for various transitions calculated. An upper limit of 103 is placed on the positron emission.

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