Electronic structure of Pc2Lu and (PcAlF)noriented thin films using angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy

Ultraviolet photoelectron spectra have been measured for the radical phthalocyanine dimer, Pc2Lu, and the fluorine bridge stacked phthalocyanine polymer (PcAlF)n. Previous workers have shown that both materials can, under appropriate conditions, be prepared in a well characterised, highly oriented thin film form. Thus, samples for this work were prepared by in situ sublimation at very slow evaporation rates onto crystalline substrates to try to maximise the degree of sample orientation. The angle dependence of the spectra were measured and the sample structure subsequently examined using high resolution TEM. The TEM results show that the (PcAlF)n films have a much higher level of orientation than the Pc2Lu films and this is reflected by the angle dependences of the UPS measurements. The spectra for (PcAlF)n are very similar to measurements on most other simple phthalocyanine compounds and have a small angular dependence. The spectra for Pc2Lu show almost no angular dependence. Again the spectra are broadly similar to that of other Pc's with two significant differences, the lowest energy peak is split and the whole spectra is shifted to lower energy. This result will be discussed in terms of simple molecular orbital ideas. The effect of air on the spectra of both materials was examined and the spectra of (PcAlF)n was found to be particularly sensitive. Attempts to determine the position of the lutetium orbitals by varying the light frequency around the lutetium resonance energies was attempted but no significant variation in the spectra was observed.