First Measurement ofWBoson Production in Association with a Single Charm Quark inpp¯Collisions ats=1.96TeV

We present the first measurement of the production cross section of a W boson with a single charm quark (c) in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96TeV, using soft muon tagging of c jets. In a data sample of 1.8fb1, recorded with the Collider Detector at Fermilab II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron, we select events with W+1 or 2 jets. We use the charge correlation between the W and the muon from the semileptonic decay of a charm hadron to extract the Wc signal. We measure σWc(pTc>20GeV/c,|ηc|<1.5)×BR(Wν)=9.8±3.2pb, in agreement with theoretical expectations.

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