We introduce in the context of a simple soluble model for laser-enhanced autoionization a new representationthe dressed-resonance representation (DRR). The model includes one autoionizing state, one flat electron continuum, one continuous driving laser of arbitrary strength, and two types of relaxations, i.e., spontaneous decay of the continuum and autoionizing state back to the initial state (spontaneous recycling) and phase-jitter noise in the driving laser. The DRR is a natural extension of the dressed-states representation, employed in strong-field discrete-discrete transitions, to discrete-continuum transitions. We focus on two observables, i.e., the temporal initial state population and the photoelectron spectrum. The emphasis is on strong-field effects. The DRR yields simple, transparent, analytical expressions for the above observables in the no-relaxations limit of the model. These results are complemented by a systematic analysis of the exact solution in all qualitatively distinct physical regimes.