Diffusivity of the hydrogen molecule sorbed in NaA zeolite by a neutron scattering experiment

The diffusion of hydrogen in NaA zeolite was studied by incoherent neutron scattering. An experiment was carried out on samples loaded with 1.2 to 3.4 molecules per cavity and at several temperatures from 70 to 150 K. The angular (θ) dependence of the elastic and quasielastic intensities shows that the H2 molecule has a translational motion in a nonrestricted volume. A diffusion model where the molecule undergoes isotropic jumps of mean length l̄=3.9 Å independent of temperature and is at rest for a time τ0 between two jumps accounts for the width of the quasielastic scattering in the entire (θ,T) range (τ0=10.8 ps at T=100 K). This leads to a diffusion coefficient D(cm2/s)=6×10−4 exp(E/RT) with E=2 kJ/mol for the less loaded samples. The diffusion coefficient increases slightly with the loading.

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