Effects of Hypnotically Induced Acute Emotional Stress on Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

In a study designed to assess the effects of acute emotional stress on the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of patients with diabetes mellitus, stress was induced under hypnosis by having the patient abreact the most unpleasant situation of his life. The effects of this stress on blood glucose levels, plasma free fatty ac?d levels, urinary glucose excretion and urine volume were determined by collecting blood and urine samples at half-hourly intervals during a period of stress and comparing these observations with similar determinations made during a control period. Statistically significant decreases in blood glucose levels during stress were observed. Increases in plasma free fatty acids and urine volume were also observed, but not at levels of statistical significance. The decrease in blood glucose levels could not be explained by an increase in urinary glucose excretion.