Beta decay ofF21

F21(β)Ne21 is re-examined. β branches are observed as follows [Ne21Ex (keV),% β branch]: 0, 9.6(3.0); 351, 74.1(3.0); 1746, 16.1(1.0); 3736, 3.1(4)×103; 3884, 4.0(4)×103; 4525, 43(3)×103; 4685, 77(5)×103. The half-life was measured to be 4.158(20) s. Precision γ-ray measurements were made for the Ne21 351→0 and 1746→351 transitions and the Ne20 1634→0 transition. Results for the γ energies are 350.725(8), 1395.131(17), and 1633.602(15) keV. logft values are calculated. Comparisons of the present results are made to the shell-model calculations of Lanford and Wildenthal and to the analog β+ decay of Mg21 to Na21. It is concluded that uncalculated Coulomb effects are a major block to the sensitivity of such comparisons.