Electromagnetic transitions between the low-lying levels ofNe21and their relation to parity mixing of the 2.80-MeV12±doublet

The presence of a Jπ=12+12 doublet (ΔE8 keV) at 2.80 MeV in Ne21 provides an opportunity to further investigate parity mixing of nuclear states. The parity mixing in Ne21 introduces an irregular M1, E2 admixture into the regular, but highly retarded, E1, M2 decay of the 12 level to the 32+ ground state and can be inferred from the interference between these irregular and regular decays. We consider the dependence of possible Ne21 parity-mixing observables on the four electromagnetic matrix elements involved in the transition and also methods for determining these matrix elements. The first step towards a measurement of the M2E1 mixing ratio is a measurement of the E3M2 mixing ratio of the 1252+ transition in Ne21 and this is carried out using a γγ correlation utilizing the O18(α, n) Ne21 reaction. A large basis SU(3) shell-model calculation is performed to give wave functions for Ne21 (and Na21) and predictions for the electromagnetic matrix elements relevant to studies of the 12± parity mixing. The parity-mixing matrix element is calculated using a one-body approximation to the parity nonconserving interaction. The calculated matrix elements are compared with the available experimental data on Ne21 and Na21.