Optical and Transport Properties of CdSe/ZnSe Self-Organized Nanostructures: 1-Dimensional versus 3-Dimensional Quantum Confinement

We present comprehensive studies of optical, structural and transport properties of molecular beam epitaxy grown CdSe/ZnSe self-organizing nanostructures, aimed at elucidation of the intrinsic morphology of CdSe layers as a function of their nominal thickness (w). Particular attention has been paid to the layer thickness below the critical value (w < 3.0 monolayer (ML)). It is found that the layer morphology is transformed from pure two-dimensional objects at ww=2.8 ML, used as an active region. The threshold power density of 3.9 kW/cm2 observed at 300 K is fivefold less than that of the reference sample using a conventional ZnCdSe quantum-well active region.