– Surveys are projects involving systematic data collection without a specific hypothesis to be tested and hence without a specific research design. This paper reviews their uses, and some of the issues involved with measuring dental caries in surveys. The principal benefits of surveys are in (a) monitoring trends in oral disease when the surveys are repeated periodically; and (b) giving dental health a visibility to might otherwise not gel among policy-makers. On the other hand, they are of limited use in determining treatment needs for a population, evaluating treatment outcomes, and evaluating prevention programs. Some major issues in caries surveys today include difficulties with the DMF index; the use of exclusively visual versus visual-tactile criteria; “hidden” caries; and the appropriate role for early, non-cavitated carious lesions. The DMF index suffers from its mixing of disease and treatment, and more research is needed to determine the most appropriate role for exclusively visual criteria in surveys. Trade-offs, such as weighing the benefits of exclusively visual criteria against the probable greater difficulty in finding “hidden” caries, have not been determined. Inclusion of non-cavitated lesions in a survey will increase its cost. Organizers should therefore be clear before the survey on how this additional information will be used to justify the additional expense