Periods of 4-28 day-administration of 0.05% penicillin in the diet of rice rats before the usual 84-day assay period on periodontal syndrome-producing Diet-700 significantly reduced in the prevalence of the periodontal syndrome. Continuous adrrinistration in Diet-700 of 0.01 or 0.05% oxytetracycline or chlortetracycline or 0.0025% penicillin significantly decreased in the periodontal syndrome. Intermittent feeding of Diet-700 supplemented with either 0.01 or 0.05% penicillin as infrequently as 1 day in 7 significantly reduced the periodontal syndrome. The inclusion of 15% cellulose in the periodontal syndrome-producing diet which had no effect upon the number of areas with soft-tissue or calcified-tissue lesions caused a modest reduction in the extent of these lesions.

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