Electrical characterisation of short gate In 0.60 Ga 0.40 As/In 0.36 Al 0.64 As 0.84 Sb 0.16 high electron mobility transistors on InP substrate

An investigation into the DC and RF performance of MBE-grown In0.36Al0.64As0.84Sb0.16/In0.52Al0.48As/In0.60Ga0.40As HEMTs on InP substrate is presented. A composite InAlAsSb Schottky barrier is used to enhance the carrier confinement in the channel. Devices exhibit a drain current of 850 mA/mm, an extrinsic gm of 1.22 S/mm and an fτ of 240 GHz. This is the highest fτ to date for an InAlAsSb barrier HEMT.

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