Effect of Piromen on Survival of Irradiated Mice.

Intraperit. injn. of 0.1 [mu]g Piromen/day/mouse for a 5-day period effected a significant increase in the mean survival time of X-irradiated (550 r) mice of the HN Rockefellar Institute strain. Piromen administered with the drinking water at the rate of 0.37 [mu]g./day/mouse for 4 days failed to significantly alter survival time. This may have been due to the small dose actually absorbed. Admn. of a larger dose (total dosage, 2.55 [mu]g.) after irradiation resulted in fewer survivals than in the untreated controls. The action of Piromen following irradiation appears to be similar to ACTH with respect to survival. The dosage of Piromen is apparently of critical importance.