The genetic relationships betweenEchinostoma caproni, E. paraensei, andE. trivolvisas determined by electrophoresis

Adults ofEchinostoma caproni, F. paraensei, andE. trivolviswere processed for starchgel electrophoresis. Ten enzyme systems representing 12 structural loci were examined using three different buffer systems.E. paraenseiandE. caproniwere found to be genetically inbred as indicated by the lack of heterozygosity in individual worms. All three taxa showed fixed differences indicating they are distinct species. Fixed differences were found betweenE. paraenseiandE. caproniin six enzyme systems, betweenE. paraenseiandE. trivolvisin five enzyme systems, and betweenE. trivolvisandE. caproniin five enzyme systems. Phenic relationships among the three species showedE. caproniwas genetically more similar toE. trivolvisthan toE. paraensei.