Cytokeratin expression of the odontogenic epithelia in dental follicles and developmental cysts

The patterns of cytokeratin expression in the epithelium of 5 dental follicles, 7 dentigcrous cysts, 5 odontogenic keratocysts, 3 nasopalatine cysts and an epidermoid cyst have been studies using a panel of monoclonal antibodies. The epithelium of dental follicles and of developmental odontogenic cysts strongly expressed keratins 5 and 19 and showed weaker expression of keratins typical of stratified non-cornified and of simple epithelia. Staining with mAbs against the latter keratins varied with the degree of epitehlial differentiation. Nasopalatine cysts strongly expressed simple epithelial keratins and the epidermoid cyst strongly expressed a marker of cornification. Odontogenic cysts thus appear to differ in their pattern of keratin expression from other oral developmental cysts and all derivatives of odontogenic epithelia appear to share similar basic patterns of cytokeratin expression.