Characterization and regulation of the angiotensin II type‐1 receptor (binding and mRNA) in human adrenal fasciculata‐reticularis cells

The classical concept of human adrenal physiology indicates that only glomerulosa cells are the target of A-II. Herein, we demonstrated that cultured human adrenal fasciculata-reticularis cells were also responsive to this hormone. Indeed, these cells contained high affinity (Kd = 0.9-1.1 nM) and low capacity (8,000-13,000 sites/cell) A-II receptors, and more than 95% of them were of the type-1. These AT1 receptors are functional since A-II was able to increase cortisol production after 48 h of treatment. These effects were inhibited by losartan, an AT1 antagonist, but not by CGP42112A, an AT2 antagonist. The expression of the type-1 A-II receptor mRNA was detected in the whole adrenal in both adult and fetus, and in cultured human adrenal fasciculata-reticularis cells. In these cells A-II negatively regulated AT1 receptor mRNA, and this effect was also mediated through the AT1 receptor subtype.

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