Computers and Curriculum-Based Measurement: Effects of Teacher Feedback Systems

This study assessed the effects of computerized teacher feedback systems within curriculum-based measurement (CBM) in the area of spelling. Subjects were 27 special education teachers, each of whom selected two mildly handicapped pupils for participation. For 15 weeks, each teacher was assigned randomly to one of two CBM groups, enhanced feedback or unenhanced feedback, or to a control group. CBM teachers used software that stored, graphed, and analyzed assessment information. With enhanced feedback, CBM teachers were required to inspect graphed assessment information and formulate their own decisions about the adequacy of student progress; the computer provided corrective and instructive feedback. With unenhanced feedback, decisions concerning student progress were provided to teachers without their input and without computer feedback. Control teachers monitored progress using conventional practice. Multivariate analyses of variance conducted on fidelity of treatment measures indicated that CBM teachers implemented procedures with comparable accuracy, except that the enhanced feedback group complied with instructional decision rules better by timing their instructional modifications more accurately. Analysis of covariance indicated that spelling achievement of students in the enhanced feedback group exceeded that of controls, whereas achievement of students in the unenhanced feedback group did not. Implications for CBM practice and for computer-managed assessment are discussed.