Isolation and characterization of macrophages from scrapie-infected mouse brain

We have isolated and characterized a population of brain macrophages from normal and scrapieinfected mice. The cells are phagocytic, possess Fc-IgG receptors, Mac-1 surface antigen and proliferate in the presence of macrophage colony stimulating factor. They resemble microglia in that they have a plasmalemmal distribution of the enzyme nucleoside diphosphatase, a property that is characteristic of microglia in situ. In two of the three combinations of scrapie agent and mouse strain examined, the number of brain macrophages was several fold higher than in normal control mice. The increase was not observed in mice infected intraperitoneally or in control mice inoculated with normal brain homogenate. The increase is detectable as early as 3–5 weeks postinoculation. The agent/host combination that failed to show an increase in brain macrophages is one that develops large numbers of amyloid plaques. These observations suggest that these cells are closely associated with the scrapie pathogenic process in the CNS. The failure of these cells to increase in the plaque forming model of scrapie disease also suggests that they play a role in the control of CNS amyloidogenesis.