The angular distributions of electrons emitted in the decay of the autodetaching (2s2)S1, (2s2p)P3, (2p2)D1, and (2s2p)P1 states of H have been measured from 10° to 150° for collisions of H on He, Ar, and H2 between 100 eV and 10 keV. The intensity of the (2s2)S1 line, in the "rest" reference frame of H, was isotropic for high collision energies. For low-energy collisions the distribution has a component which is asymmetric about 90° and peaked at forward angles. The intensity of the (2s2p)P3 line, observed only in high-energy collisions, was approximately isotropic. The intensity of the unresolved (2p2)D1 and (2s2p)P1 lines, for collisions above 1 keV, was symmetric about 90° exhibiting a (1+C cos2θ) behavior with angle. For lower collision energies, the angular distribution of the unresolved (2p2) D1(2s2p) P1 lines became asymmetric. The results are interpreted in terms of the orientation of the excited H state. We discuss the effect of interference between discrete and continuum states and the effect of molecular distortion due to the target atom on the measured angular distribution.