In supersymmetric gluodynamics (N=1 super-Yang-Mills theory) we show that the spectral functions induced by the nonchiral operator Tr G_{\alpha\beta} \bar\lambda^2 are fully degenerate in the J^{PC}=1^{\pm -} channels. The above operator is related to N=1/2 generalization of SUSY. Using the planar equivalence, this translates into the statement of degeneracy between the mesons produced from the vacuum by the operators (\bar \Psi \vec E\Psi + i\bar \Psi \vec B \gamma^5\Psi) and (\bar \Psi \vec B\Psi - i\bar \Psi \vec E \gamma^5\Psi) in one-flavor QCD, up to 1/N corrections. Here \Psi is the quark field, and \vec E ,\vec B are chromoelectric/chromomagnetic fields, respectively.