Thermoluminescent response of LiF and Li2B4O7:Mn to pions

LiF (TLD-100, TLD-600, and TLD-700) and Li2B4O7:Mn (TLD-800) have been exposed to pi + and pi - beams over the clinically useful range of 0.05-4 Gy (5-400 rad). Thermoluminescence response curves were determined for the 200 degrees C and 260 degrees C glow peaks in LiF and for the 200 degrees C peak in Li2B4O7 when the dosemeters were exposed in the peak and plateau regions of the Bragg curve. TLD-700 appears to be suited for use in pion dosimetry since it is capable of measuring both total and high-LET dose by utilising the 200 and 260 degrees C peaks. TLD-100, TLD-600, and TLD-800 will not be useful because the neutrons emitted from pi - capture result in an enhanced dose to the thermoluminescence dosemeters via (n, alpha ) reactions which cannot be extracted from the data. Linearity and fading of each glow peak was also investigated.