Blood Group Mythology: Present Status

The discovery of a great multiplicity of previously unknown facts and principles has served to develop the field of blood grouping into an important complex science. The formidable task of mastering the now highly complex field of blood grouping has been facilitated by the avallability of a comprehensive text on almost all aspects of the subject, which is now in its sixth edition. This invaluable source book is widely used by advanced workers in the field as well as by beginners, and is treated as the bible on the subject to the exclusion of all other texts. However, the so-called bible has serious scientific faults in that important basic principies are ignored, and certain important basic facts are distorted or misrepresented. Fortunately, other texts are available which are free of these faults, and the use of a single book as the sole source of knowledge concerning the subject has by implication given rise to the myth that the book in question is infallible and may be used alone to the exclusion of all other sources of information. The purpose of the present review has been, not to detract from the well recognized merits of the important “blood group bible” but to point out its limitations, and to point out the existence of other sources which, while not as comprehensive, are free of mythology. If this review serves to remind the readers to consult other sources in addition to the blood group bible, it will have served its purpose, and this may lead to further advances in the field of blood grouping as well as help do away with the thriving field of blood group mythology.