Immunohistochemical Localization of Enkephalinlike Peptites During Testicular Development in Rats

The distribution of opioid peptides is of interest in the rat testes, because the presence of opiate binding sites strongly supports the hypothesis of paracrine function for these peptidergic factors. Testes of Wistar albino rats between birth and adult stage were examined immunocytochemically fro enkephalins, dynorphin, and alpha neoendorphin. The presence of immunoreactive enkephalinlike substances was visualized in both interstitial tissue and seminiferous tubules, but no staining was observed for dynorphin or neoendorphin. In interstitial tissue the material stained in Leydig cells raised after birth, declined at day 12, and increased again between day 22 and day 35 of life. From day 35 till adult stage we observed again a slight decrease of immunostaining. In seminiferous tubules, intense immunostaining was observed in stem spermatogonia until day 7 of life. After this period the presence of immunoreactive enkephalinlike material was detected, mainly in some spermatogonia and peritubular primary spermatocytes. These data suggest a possible implication of enkephalinlike peptides in spermatogenesis.