Management of Choanal Atresia with the Carbon Dioxide Laser

Congenital choanal atresia frequently demands immediate recognition in the newborn, and provision of a nasal airway as soon as possible. A variety of techniques are available to correct this problem, but none is entirely satisfactory. Transpalatal procedures are associated with significant morbidity in the newborn, and transnasal microsurgical procedures are less predictable when a thick bony plate is present in the choanal obstruction. Transnasal resection with the CO2 laser has been carried out in seven patients (ten sides), whose ages ranged from 16 hours to 14 years. From this early experience, it appears that the procedure is entirely feasible and convenient. It seems to have significant advantages over conventional microsurgical techniques. Eight out of ten choanae have remained patent for four months or more. A lumen keeper is needed during the immediate postoperative period for at least two to three weeks. The procedure is associated with minimal morbidity.