Study Of Epstein Barr Virus (Eby) Antibodies: IgG AND lgM Anti -VCA, lgG Anti-Ea and lgAnti-Ebna Obtained with an Original Microtiter Technique: Serological Criterions of Primary and Recurrent Eby Infections and Follow-Up of Infectious Mononucleosis

With an original microliter immunofluorescence < technique we titrated EBV antibodies for IgG and IgM anti-VCA, IgG anti-EA and Ig anti-EBNA. We compared 307 sera of infectious mononucleosis (IM) and 323 controls for IgG anti-VCA, EA and Ig anti-EBNA antibodies. We titrated IgM anti-VCA antibodies in 112 cases of IM and in 50 healthy controls. We followed 26 cases of IM up to six months after onset. This part of our study allows us to conclude as follows: — A high IgG anti-VCA titer of 1: 256 or more cannot be alone considered a sure criterion of EBV primary infection. — In the first month of IM, 94 % of patients had a anti-EA titer of I: 8 or more and 85 % had a titer of 1: 32 or more; we consider an anti-EA titer 1: 32 or more as indicative of primary or secondary active infection. — IgM anti-VCA were found in the 112 IM cases. High titers persisted at least 3 months as did heterophil antibodies — A IgG anti VCA titer of 1:256 or more, an anti-EA titer of I:32 or more, with a negative anti-EBNA titer, or a positive IgM anti-VCA with a negative anti-EBNA titer are absolute criterions of EBV primary infection in the first two weeks. Seroepidemiology of EBV in Belgium was studied on 5178 sera of patients, which have been titrated for IgG antibodies against EBV-VCA and EA. Results are presented according to age groups. Correlation between percentages of positive sera for anti-VCA and anti-EA antibodies allowed to define age groups critical for primary infection and points out the possibility of reactivation in the elderly.