Inoculation of container-grown Douglas-fir seedlings with basidiospores of Rhizopogonvinicolor and R. colossus: effects of fertility and spore application rate

Basidiospores of R. vinicolor Smith and R. colossus Smith were inoculated onto container-grown Douglas-fir (P. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings and grown under 2 levels of soluble fertilizer and one level of slow-release fertilizer. Both fungi formed abundant ectomycorrhizae on nore than 54% of feeder roots under the soluble fertilizer regimes. Slow-release fertilizer suppressed mycorrhizal formation by both fungi. Height growth was significantly increased under low fertility with all basidiospore application rates of R. colossus and the 3 lowest application rates of R. vinicolor. The high fertility regime produced plantable Douglas-fir seedlings with abundant ectomycorrhizae of R. colossus and R. vinicolor.