Photovoltaic Cells of Merocyanine Dye Polymer Thin Films Prepared by Plasma Polymerization Method

The plasma polymerization of merocyanine dye (Dye I and Dye II) was carried out. The basic dye structure in the plasma-polymerized film was similar to that in the evaporated one, but not for the extent of the aggregation of Dye II. The plasma-polymerized film showed a long-term stability of uniformity, while the evaporated film became inhomogeneous in several days. Short-circuit photocurrent spectra in a Au/film/Al cell depended on the side of illumination, which was explained by considering the generation of excitons, their diffusion and ionization at a Schottky barrier. The power conversion efficiency was 0.01% for Dye I, 0.02% for the plasma-polymerized Dye II and 0.33% for the evaporated Dye II. Such differences in the efficiency were understood by considering the extent of aggregation.

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