Fourteen personal cases of agenesia of the vas deferens, bilateral in 12 and unilateral in 2, are described. In 13 of the cases the diagnosis was confirmed by surgical exploration. In most of the cases cytologic examination of aspiration biopsy specimens and histologic examination of surgical specimens of the testes showed that spermatogenesis was normal. The appearance of biopsy specimens of the epididymides were normal except for a certain degree of interstitital fibrosis and dilation of the ductus epididymidis. Endeavours to produce an artificial spermatocele with the aid of an isolated flap of tunica vaginalis in several patients proved unsuccessful. In one patient with a naturally preformed spermatocele the latter was aspirated, and the patient's wife was inseminated with the cellular content from the aspirate. This procedure has been repeated on several occasions, but so far without any subsequent conception. The failure of treatment of these patients may perhaps be due to some change in the function of their epididymides. This possibility is discussed.