Heath Shock Enhances the Synthesis of a Lectin-Related Protein in Dolichos biflorus Cell Suspension Cultures

Dolichos biflorus cell suspension cultures synthesize at least two lectins or lectin-like proteins that are related to the seed lectin from this plant. The synthesis of one of these proteins, DB57, is greatly enhanced in response to heat shock; this enhancement of synthesis is dependent upon the growth phase of the cells in culture. Early in the growth curve, when the cells are in lag phase, there is no detectable induction of DB57 synthesis above the levels found in control cells. Enhancement of DB57 synthesis becomes apparent during the last half of the exponential phase of growth at which time there is approximately a 10-fold increase in the amount of newly synthesized DB57 at 42°C compared with the amount of DB57 synthesized at the control temperature of 27°C. The implication of this finding is discussed with respect to role of lectins in plants.