Genetics of CM-proteins (A-hordeins) in barley

The CM-proteins, which are the main components of the A-hordeins, include four previously described proteins (CMa-1, CMb-1, CMc-1, CMd-1), plus a new one, CMe-1, which has been tentatively included in this group on the basis of its solubility properties and electrophoretic mobility. The variability of the five proteins has been investigated among 38 Hordeum vulgare cultivars and 17 H. spontaneum accessions. Proteins CMa-1, CMc-1 and CMd-1 were invariant within the cultivated species; CMd was also invariant in the wild one. The inheritance of variants CMb-1/CMb-2 and CMe-1/CMe-2,2′ was studied in a cross H. spontaneum x H. vulgare. The first two proteins were inherited as codominantly expressed allelic variations of a single mendelian gene. Components CMe-2,2′ were jointly inherited and codominantly expressed with respect to CMe-1. Gene CMb and gene(s) CMe were found to be unlinked. The chromosomal locations of genes encoding CM-proteins were investigated using wheat-barley addition lines. Genes CMa and CMc were associated with chromosome 1, and genes CMb and CMd with chromosome 4. These gene locations further support the proposed homoeology of chromosomes 1 and 4 of barley with chromosomes groups 7 and 4 of wheat, respectively. Gene(s) CMe has been assigned to chromosome 3 of barley. The accumulation of protein CMe-1 is totally blocked in the “high lysine” mutant Riso 1508 and partially so in the high lysine barley Hiproly.