Making a working hypothesis of Abelian dominance at a long-distance scale, we analyze the U(1) problem as well as the confinement problem in the SU(N) Yang-Mills theory with the vacuum angle θ. We show that quarks are confined only when θ2π is a rational number such that θ2π(1+nN)mN, n and m being integers. We also calculate a correlation function of the topological charge density Q(x)=(16π2)1TrFμνFμν*(x) at θ=0. We derive that d4xT{Q(x)Q(0)}=N2128π4(N1)(α)2, where α denotes the Regge slope of mesons. This formula yields ∼(150MeV)4 in case of SU(3), which gives rise to a mass ∼ 550 MeV to the η meson through a chiral anomaly in QCD with massless quarks. This numerical result would explain the η mass reasonably well in the approximation where pions are massless Goldstone bosons.