The effects of two types of fat, corn oil and a hydrogenated shortening, at 15% dietary levels, have been determined in studies of reproductive performance and body composition in vitamin B6-deficient and control female rats, when the deficiency was initiated at 80 days of age, at least three weeks prior to mating. No significant differences associated with type of dietary fat were observed in body or liver composition of animals at the levels of fat fed in these experiments, but the composition of liver lipids appeared to be altered by the vitamin B6 deficiency. The amount of carcass and liver fat was lower in deficient mothers, and carcass fat was slightly lower in young of deficient mothers than in those of controls. Serum cholesterol levels were lower in animals fed the hydrogenated shortening than in those receiving corn oil. Cholesterol levels were lowest in the deficient group fed the hydrogenated shortening. Vitamin B6-deficient animals fed either fat produced fewer and lighter young than controls. Deficient animals fed hydrogenated shortening produced fewer than half as many live young as those fed corn oil. It is concluded that the more unsaturated fat exerts a protective effect in the vitamin B6-deficient animals, and that the adverse effect of the deficiency on fertility and reproductive performance is accentuated when hydrogenated shortening rather than corn oil is the source of dietary fat.