Mureidomycins A-D, novel peptidylnucleoside antibiotics with spheroplast forming activity. II. Structural elucidation.

Structures of new antibiotics, mureidomycins (MRD''s) A .apprx. D, were deduced from spectroscopic analyses and degradation studies. Two residues of m-tyrosine, one residue of 2-amino-3-N-methylaminobutyric acid (AMBA) and methionine are present in all components of the complex. Uracil is contained in MRD''s A and C, while dihydrouracil in MRD''s B and D. Methionine and m-tyrosine are connected through an ureiod bond, and uracil or dihydrouracil is linked to AMBA via enamine sugar moiety. In addition, MRD''s C and D contain a glycine residue at the N-terminal.