Non-Ohmic effects in hopping conduction in doped silicon and germanium between 0.05 and 1 K

We have studied non-Ohmic effects in hopping conduction in moderately compensated ion-implanted Si:P, B (both n- and p-type) and neutron-transmutation-doped Ge:Ga,As over the temperature range 0.05–0.8 K and up to moderately strong electric fields. In the limit of small fields, where the current is proportional to applied voltage, the resistivities of these materials are approximated over a wide temperature range by the model of variable range hopping with a Coulomb gap: ρ=ρ0exp(T0/T)1/2. The samples included in this study have characteristic temperatures T0 in the range 1.4–60 K for silicon, and 22–60 K for germanium. We have compared our data to exponential and “hyperbolic-sine” field-effect models of the electrical nonlinearity: ρ(E)=ρ(0)ex and ρ(E)=ρ(0)x/sinh(x), where xeEl/kT, and to an empirical hot-electron model. The exponential field-effect model tends to be a good representation for the samples with high T0 at low T. The sinh model can match the data only at low fields. The hot-electron model fits our data well over a wide range of power in the low-T0–high-T regime. We discuss the quantitative implications of these results for the application of these materials as thermometers for microcalorimeters optimized for high-resolution spectroscopy.