Synaptonemal complex analysis of mole rats (Spalax ehrenbergi): unusual polymorphisms of chromosome

Two unusual structural polymorphisms in the largest chromosomal pair of the Israeli mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi, were analyzed from surface-spread and silver-stained preparations of synaptonemal complexes. A C-band negative polymorphism for the length of the 1p arm was visible as axial length differences during late zygonema and early pachynema. This region underwent synaptic adjustment resulting in a fully paired, mid-pachytene synaptonemal complex with equalized axial lengths. The somatically variable and nonargentophilic secondary constriction in the 1q arm was evident as a distinct silver-stained thickening along the synaptonemal complex. Presence of this structure on the synaptonemal complex varied both among individuals and among cells within individuals. The intraindividual variation of this region is hypothesized to represent differential biochemical activity with its cellular visualization being regulated in a manner similar to that of nucleolus organizer regions.Key words: mole rats, synaptonemal complex, chromosomal polymorphism.