Lattice QCD Spectra at Finite Temperature: a Random Matrix Approach

We suggest that the lattice Dirac spectra in QCD at finite temperature may be understood using a gaussian unitary ensemble for Wilson fermions, and a chiral gaussian unitary ensemble for Kogut-Susskind fermions. For Kogut-Susskind fermions, the lattice results by the Columbia group are in good agreement with the spectral distribution following from a cubic equation, both for the valence quark distribution and the anomalous symmetry breaking. We explicitly construct a number of Dirac spectra for Wilson fermions at finite temperature, and use the end-point singularities to derive analytically the pertinent critical lines. For the physical current masses, the matrix model shows a transition from a delocalized phase at low temperature, to a localized phase at high temperature. The localization is over the thermal wavelength of the quark modes. For heavier masses, the spectral distribution reflects on localized states with competitive effects between the quark Compton wavelength and the thermal wavelength. Some further suggestions for lattice simulations are made.

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