Isoelectric focusing of apolipoproteins in immobilized pH gradients: Improved determination of apolipoprotein Ephenotypes

A method for isoelectric focusing of apolipoprotein Ein an immobilized pH gradient with added carrier ampholytes has been developed. This method is an improvement over conventional isoelectric focusing of apolipoprotein E with respect to resolution reproducibility, and simplicity. Since monosialo isoforms are resolved from the not mally cofocusing asialo isoforms, unique patterns are obtained for all 6 common apolipoprotein E phenotypes. The method can also be applied to the screening of apolipoprotein A and C isoforms. Delipidated very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) have been used as the source of apolipoprotein E and C. Apolipoprotein A isoforms were focused directly from detergent‐treated serum. Immunodetection of apolipo protein E using capillary transfer was found to be compatible with the described method.